BDW2017 Theme is Launched
January 27

Previous partners, sponsors, participants and friends of Beirut Design Week gathered on the night of the 27th of January at Reunion room in Grand Factory for a private event to watch the premiere screening of BDW2016's Documentary 'Growing Sustainably', and discover the new theme for BDW2017. The theme was revealed in the form of a question in order to start a discussion in the Lebanese designer community about the value of value and designers with a critical lens. 

IS DESIGN A NEED? Asked Doreen Toutikian, Director of BDW.

The purpose of the theme is to encourage community engagement, especially through social media platforms, to get an overview of the opinions we have on design and its value as a need or not. The concept behind this discussion is to get a better idea on how designers from different fields perceive design and how the community views needs. Is Design merely a luxury? Is it a form of communication for marketing purposes? Is it a tool for social impact? Our wide range of designers and architects, ranging from fashion to interior, graphics, products, and furniture among other present us with a variety of processes and outcomes that meet different needs. How can we form a better understanding of this subject? How can we learn more about the true essence of being a designer in Lebanon? What are the challenges that designers face in creating awareness about the value of their work? And at which points could designers be more self-critical or critical about the discipline of design in general?

This is a chance for us to use Beirut Design week as a platform to dive deeper into this discussion and develop informed opinions first-hand from our community of established and emerging designers. On the 19th of May, the opening of BDW2017, we will be sharing all the answers received. 

We would like to read your thoughts.

To engage in the conversation please follow #isdesignaneed?