Clash-In Building on Makdissi Street off Antoun Gemayel Street in Hamra, Beirut.
Step back in time to discover zero waste alternatives, before they were a Berlin based solution. Together, we are raising pride in our local baladi traditions while merging with clean, green technologies. Through remembrance and redesign, we aim to unpackage the waste crisis with both consumers and producers in mind, reducing waste to landfill. Find a collection of all natural, sustainable, upcycled products made in Lebanon by over 75 local change makers leading the way, crafting their ancestors techniques and forming new sustainable methods. Lebanon hosts the original rock shampoo and twig toothbrush and boasts the refill culture at its core. Bring your own containers for refill of toxin free detergent and cosmetics and switch single use items with a collection of eco-conscious products. Beauty, detergents, kitchen, lifestyle, toys, bags, accessories, clothes, healing and artistic products.
Step back in time to discover zero waste alternatives, before they were a Berlin based solution. Together, we are raising pride in our local baladi traditions while merging with clean, green technologies. Through remembrance and redesign, we aim to unpackage the waste crisis with both consumers and producers in mind, reducing waste to landfill. Find a collection of all natural, sustainable, upcycled products made in Lebanon by over 75 local change makers leading the way, crafting their ancestors techniques and forming new sustainable methods. Lebanon hosts the original rock shampoo and twig toothbrush and boasts the refill culture at its core. Bring your own containers for refill of toxin free detergent and cosmetics and switch single use items with a collection of eco-conscious products. Beauty, detergents, kitchen, lifestyle, toys, bags, accessories, clothes, healing and artistic products.
From date
02/07/2019 16:00:00
To date
02/07/2019 18:00:00